Friday 27 February 2009

Product Research (part 2)- The Shining


The fast editing of cuts between shots of the boy and the man screaming, repeating back and forth, relates to the anxiety both characters are experiencing and keeps the audience engaged. This could also suggest both characters can feel each others pain, which is seen to be out of the ordinary. The repeating screaming catches the audience off guard and terrifies them. This also helps to build to the climax where the room suddenly, turns silent as if in a state of shock. The boy is captured in a black background. This focuses on him screaming and may imply he is hiding in a dark place. However, the man is shown with a background. The audience are distracted and instead of focusing on the killing, they are also looking at the surrounding. This helps to gain the audiences focus when there is an empty surrounding after the killing. The audience are anxious to know who survived . After the killing, there is a sudden stop to the scream by an echo. There is a moment of silence. This could suggest, that the man is dead or possibly, the audience are reflecting on his death. Then, the diegetic sound of music begins as we see the killer raise up slowly, into centre frame, of the faded background. This suggests his significance within the film and his dominance over his surroundings.Then a close-up is used to dehumanise his face while he is looking towards the camera from a slanted angle. The audience are petrified as the camera moves backwards as he moves towards the camera with his axe. The audience are placed in a dangerous position of being one of his victims.

Auteur- Alfred Hitchcock

When researching Auteurs, we found that Hitchcock used reocuuring themes to illustrate to the audience their significance. For example, In 'The birds' reocuuring bird motifs was used to scare the audience as well as the characters.

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