Wednesday 8 April 2009

Finally, The finish Line!

Well well, after a very, very hard work out for my hands, my brain and my poor eyes, we have reached the end. After days and days of staring at a computer screen, i might need another trip to specsavers, but at least i have created a piece of work that i can be proud of. I should say 'we' as it was indeed a group effort.

The worst thing about editing and watching your own work is the critisism. I had watched the final clip at least 50 times, and each time i found something that i thought didn't look right and after editing that, something else would come up. So it became a cycle of watching, critzising and editing.

Now that its all finished and done, i still think theres some things that i could improve but i am quite happy about what we have created. For a first time thing, i personally think we did well. If i could change anything it would be the order of the narrative. Although i loved the idea of the schitzophrenic girl, i think that we should've not shown the scenes where the actual killing took place. If i could start again, my approach would be to arrange the clips in such a way that the audience is in a state of confusion until the very last moment.

What i have learnt from legends such as Hitchcock, was that the impact of imagination has a much greater effect then visual evdience. What is important though, with this approach is the exsicution. The moment of revelation must be dilivered in a way that leaves the audience speechless and keeps them engaged in the world of the film long after it is finished. For amitures such as ourselves this would have been too big a risk, and so sticking to the simpler route was a good dicision. This is not to say that we had taken an easy way out, infact far from it. We decided to be tactical and think about the time we had to get everything finished, and also restriction in both music and equipment wise.

Overall, the final piece came out good, and i hope that the hard work we put into it both as a team and as individuals is recognised. I also hope for happy examiner, hint hint Mr Examiner.

Good Work Team...Well Done!



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